Janice and Rose have 7 kids in their intermediate class.
Andrew and Lauren have 6 students in their beginner class. The silence can sometimes frustrate Lauren.
Each class has one translator to help us out. Mirka is on the left. She is with the intermediate class. Kuba (James) is in the middle. He is with the advanced class. Hanka is on the right. She is with the beginner class.
For our craft on Monday we made shirts with puff paint and fabric markers. It was amazing to see their creativity. I decided to go with a more practical approach. We will be wearing our shirts on Wednesday, so you will see the final product then.
We eat breakfast and dinner in the dinning hall at the camp. However, we walk to a nearby school for lunch.
During the evening program we play have a devotion and play some games. For one of the games a number of us had to leave the room while the game was set up. Andrew and Lauren wound up with a face full of flour.
During the evening program we play have a devotion and play some games. For one of the games a number of us had to leave the room while the game was set up. Andrew and Lauren wound up with a face full of flour.
I, however, am not so easily fooled.
Thanks so much for the updates. Lucy is one of my favorites too! I see lots of familiar faces...thanks for all the pictures! Actually, I have LOTS of favorites that are back again this year! Have you ever met more creative kids?