The two teams take turns throwing baton-like sticks trying to know over blocks on the other side.
At the end of the game you have to throw the stick between your legs to knock over the center block. There's obviously a little more to it than that, but I'm not going to take up all my time explaining it.
Another game we played involved a blindfolded person in the middle of a circle.
Everyone in the circle is given a number and the person in the middle calls out two numbers. Those two people have to switch seats without the blindfolded person touching them.
If the blindfolded person touched someone, that person in the middle.
Lauren wasn't very good at this game.

And Janice just hated being blindfolded.

And Janice just hated being blindfolded.
The next game we played also involved blindfolds. Two people are blindfolded and get on their hands and knees in the center of the circle.

The two blindfolded people search for a towel that has been thrown into the circle. The object of the game is to be the first person to find the towel. After finding the towel, you must find the other person and hit them with it.

The two blindfolded people search for a towel that has been thrown into the circle. The object of the game is to be the first person to find the towel. After finding the towel, you must find the other person and hit them with it.
When Andrew and I played, things got a bit physical. But then again, that's how the game is played.

Andrew was the first one to the towel.

However, I had the last laugh

As you can see, the people here like very physical games. This is most clearly seen in my favorite game, potato. Potato is played with a volleyball. The people stand in a circle hitting the volleyball. The first person to allow the ball to hit the ground must kneel in the center of the circle.

Once there is a person sitting in the middle of the circle the game resumes with one addition, you can now spike the ball at the person/people in the middle. If you miss them, you must also kneel in the middle.

However, I had the last laugh
Once there is a person sitting in the middle of the circle the game resumes with one addition, you can now spike the ball at the person/people in the middle. If you miss them, you must also kneel in the middle.
If you hit the person, another volley begins.
However, if they catch it, you are in the middle and everyone else is back out.
I don't think that all of these games will transfer over well into the US, but we can at least have fun with them while we are here.
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